Do you know who created the toothbrush, how or when they were invented? Humans have since transitioned to electronic toothbrushes and modern oral health practices, but why?
Toothbrush Timeline
In 3500 BC, Babylon chewing sticks were created. They were simply thin twigs with frayed ends invented and used by ancient civilizations.
The exact date varies, but the bristle toothbrush was invented in China between 1223 and 1498. These toothbrushes were made using stiff, sturdy animal hairs, generally from a hog. They would carve tiny holes into bone or bamboo and insert the bristles. These would actually resemble the shape of the modern-day toothbrush!
In 1780, William Addis of England created the first mass-produced toothbrush. They were made from cattle bone and tied swine fibers, similar to the early Chinese creation. For the first time, oral health was promoted and provided to the public. They stuck with this toothbrush design until the mid-1930s.
In 1935, the toothbrush industry was revolutionized by a chemist named Wallace Carothers. He kicked off the transition from animal hair bristles to nylon bristles. This transformed oral health and showcased nylon’s abilities. It opened up nylon to countless other industrial applications for years to come.
The Electric Toothbrush
Even though toothbrushes had become mass-produced, they were not popularized until soldiers returned from World War II. They brought this habit home with them because they were required to have a daily brushing and flossing regimen while in the army.
In 1954, the first electronic toothbrush was invented. This toothbrush was created in Switzerland and brought convenience to the world of dental health. The creation of the electric toothbrush appealed to more people since it didn’t require as much work or time.
With today’s Bluetooth capabilities and built-in timers, toothbrushes have certainly evolved over the last few centuries. Where would we be today without the invention of the modern toothbrush? For the best choice, just look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance.