What Wisconsin Winters Can Do To Your Teeth

*Updated December 2021

Just like your teeth can be sensitive to ice cream, cold temperatures can also impact your smile. But is winter bringing on your sensitivity, or does the problem lie elsewhere?

Cold weather?

Dentin is tissue that makes up the core of your teeth. If dentin is exposed, you’re more likely to experience sensitivity and pain. The enamel on the crown of your tooth covers dentin. As enamel wears away or is damaged by tooth decay, dentin becomes vulnerable and more receptive to pain and temperature changes.

…Or something else?

Winter weather isn’t always to blame. Periodontal (gum) disease can also be the root of your sensitivity. When your gums separate from your teeth, they form a pocket. Bacteria can arise in that area and damage the tooth’s support system. It also can create pain and irritation.

What should I do?

  • Brush gently, at least twice a day
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Eat acidic foods in moderation
  • Drink hot, cold, and acidic beverages through a straw
  • Use whitening agents with caution
  • See the dentist regularly

Try a desensitizing toothpaste to lower discomfort.

If you regularly experience tooth sensitivity, ask your dentist about the issue. And stay warm this winter!

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