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Teeth. What more is there to know other than you should brush twice a day and visit the dentist regularly? It turns out, a lot more than you think. We hope you will consider turning to us when those questions in life come up including:
- What happens inside my mouth during pregnancy?
- When is the best time to invest in braces for my child?
- Or, how do I take care of my furry loved ones teeth?
Our blog has been around for a while, but we thought it was time to spruce up our look and add new features for our readers. The new site includes:
- A subscribe feature – receive an email when new content is published.
- A live Twitter feed
- Easier navigation
- The ability to share and link content to social media outlets – if you find a topic helpful, share it with your friends!
As an added incentive for subscribing to our blog during our relaunch week (12/16 – 12/ 22), you will automatically be entered for a chance to win one of our holiday on-the-road survival kits including a Delta Dental travel mug, coffee gift card, and dental brush-up kit. You’ll find the “subscribe” button on our new blog homepage,
Please leave us comments, email us, or make suggestions for future content. However you choose to stay in touch, we’re grateful for the virtual love.