When it comes to getting an accurate rate quote on your dental benefits, the devil truly is in the details. The more details we get, and the better the quality of those details, the more accurate our quote can be. And accurate quotes usually deliver the best rates over time.
Here is some of the information we need, and a brief explanation of why we need it.
The legal name of the group helps tie a proposal to a group application, which normally asks for a legal business name. The legal business name and DBA are used in the group-benefits documents.
The DBA name of the group, if different from the group’s legal name, helps personalize the quote. A DBA name can also help distinguish companies within a corporate entity.
The physical address/location of the group helps identify whether or not the group can be “covered” under a Delta Dental of Wisconsin plan. It also helps distinguish companies with similar DBA names.
The SIC code or the nature of business ensures that we are providing accurate rates on the proposal, and eliminates the frustration of having to go back to a group and explain why the rates that were sold aren’t valid. SIC is one of the most important pieces of information in calculating an accurate rate.
The # of eligible employees helps determine the product that can be offered. This number is also used in the participation percentage and rating formula.
The # of employees enrolled in the incumbent plan is one data point that determines the final rate by factoring in the percentage of employees that participate in the dental plan currently in place. If there isn’t a current plan in place, it’s safe to estimate 30% to 40% of eligible employees will participate in a new dental plan.
The employer contribution to the premium, if any, is a key determinant of a final rate, when combined with the number of participating employees. A group with high participation and employer contribution percentages usually gets the best rate.
If you have questions on any of the information needed to deliver a quote, please contact any member of our Sales Team. We’re here to help!
Do you offer dental insurance for individuals that are not associated with a company? Thank You.
We do. You can find out all about Delta Dental of Wisconsin plans for individuals at DeltaDentalCoversMe.com. Thanks!