Are visions of sugarplums dancing in your head this December? We don’t blame you! With so many holiday goodies and gatherings, it’s hard to keep your sweet tooth under control.
Sticky foods = icky teeth
The stickier the food, the less likely it is to be washed away by saliva. Holiday favorites such as fruitcake, caramels, and peanut brittle can stick to teeth and cause acid to be produced by the bacteria in your mouth. This acid eats away at your tooth enamel and can cause cavities and other oral health problems.
Eat sweets with a meal
Saliva production increases during meals. This can help neutralize the acid being produced and rinse food particles from the mouth. If you’re craving a snack, chew on xylitol gum after you’re done.
Drink more H2O
Drinking water can help prevent tooth decay and rinse away food particles.
Remember to brush and floss regularly for a seasonal smile that lasts all year long!