Dental Sealants Bond Kids’ Teeth to a Healthy Future

Did you know, nearly one in four children under the age of five already has cavities?1 If your child naturally radiates a cavity-free smile, celebrate your good fortune, then cement theirs with dental sealants to prevent future cavities.

When applied to new molars, dental sealants can provide parents a bridge of confidence between the teething and teenage years. And while the number of children getting sealants continues to increase, about 60% of children ages 6-11 years do not have sealants.2 This relatively large percentage is difficult to comprehend when considering these four truths:

Dental sealant application is easy and painless.

A dental sealant is a thin, plastic barrier for the tooth. Like a skilled artist, a dentist uses tiny brushes to gently paint the sealant onto your child’s clean tooth. Applying sealants takes only a few minutes, from teeth cleaning to evaluating the end product. Your little one will feel virtually nothing but comfort during this quick and effective application. However, if he is still apprehensive, view this 2-minute video together and witness his excitement grow.

Dental sealants are effective.

When applied to permanent molars, sealants reduce the risk of cavities by 80%,5 and will last for many years. Regular dental check-ups will help to ensure sealants are replaced if and when necessary due to natural wear. While some adults may also request dental sealants, the greatest benefit is realized when applied to first and second molars, typically at ages 6 and 12.

Dental sealants are safe.

Contrary to rare concerns about exposure to bisphenol A (BPA), the American Dental Association has stated there is no evidence of patients experiencing adverse effects caused by BPA in dental sealants.3 In fact, breathing air exposes people to about 100 times more BPA than dental sealants.4

Smiles are everything. And yet, dental sealants can cost you nothing.

It’s been said that a smile can cross barriers to connect people. In Wisconsin, families benefit from the state’s Seal-A-Smile program, which is jointly funded by Delta Dental of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Department of Health Services. Administered by Children’s Health Alliance, Seal-a-Smile programs provide oral health screenings, fluoride varnish, and sealants when necessary to elementary students around the state – at no cost to their family – in schools where 35% or more students are receiving free and reduced meals. Sealant programs are offered in nearly every county in the state. Ensure your child has time in the hygienist’s chair during the next school visit by filling out the Seal-A-Smile online permission slip.

There is no substitute for a good oral health program and this includes sealants. But having your child’s teeth sealed early will set them on the path to a healthy future.

1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011–2012. Available at: Accessed November 30, 2016.
4ADA Professional Product Review, August 2016
5 “Sealants for preventing and arresting pit-and-fissure occlusal caries in primary and permanent molars.” Journal of the American Dental Association. (and as stated in the ADA infographic here:

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