Making the Most of Your Dental Coverage at the Dentist

Planning ahead will allow you to receive the best value from your dental benefits. See how you can make the most of your dental coverage with Delta Dental:

It Pays to Stay In-Network:

If you have Delta Dental of Wisconsin coverage, choose one of our many participating dentists from our two dentist networks. More than 90 percent of Wisconsin dentists and more than three-fourths of dentists nationwide are members of the Delta Dental Premier network, making it the largest dentist network in Wisconsin and nationwide. The Delta Dental PPO network is more exclusive and offers greater cost savings. By leveraging the Delta Dental Premier and Delta Dental PPO networks, we can offer customers more choices, better accessibility, and lower prices for their dental benefits.

Our Network Dentists:

  • Submit claims directly to Delta Dental. That means less paperwork for you!
  • Will never bill you. Delta Dental has negotiated lower dental fees with our network dentists. If the Delta Dental network fee is lower than the dentist’s regular fee, you’ll see the difference on your Explanation of Benefits (EOB). Your EOB will show you what was charged, what was paid, the amount the dentists will write off, and how much you should pay.

Compare the bill you receive from the dentist with the EOB you receive from Delta Dental, and let your dentists know if there are differences or if you have questions. For more on EOBs, click here

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