Virtual care during a dental emergency

Dental emergencies always seem to happen at the worst times. In many cases, it’s hard to find a provider that can see a patient immediately.

The good news is that Delta Dental of Wisconsin plans include coverage for teledentistry. If you face a dental emergency after business hours, can’t get in to see your provider right away, or don’t have an established provider, teledentistry provides emergency dental care when you need it.

Members of Delta Dental of Wisconsin can access teledentistry by signing in to the Delta Dental virtual visits portal or calling 866-950-4375. If you don’t have a provider, use for a virtual visit.

Delta Dental of Wisconsin plans provide dental care when you need it most

Dental emergencies are scary. They’re even more scary when you don’t know where you can get help. That’s where teledentistry comes in.

What is teledentistry?

According to the American Dentistry Association (ADA), teledentistry refers to the use of telehealth systems and methodologies. It can include patient care and education delivery using live video, secure electronic communications, and other technologies. Providers who use teledentistry can consult with patients, do examinations, and prescribe medication if needed.

Basically, teledentistry helps you get the support and care you need from a dentist without going to an office.

Why use teledentistry?

Teledentistry provides patients with the ability to receive dental care at any time of day or night, 365 days a year. Reasons someone may use teledentistry range from having a dental emergency outside of business hours to wanting to consult with a provider without leaving home or not having a dentist in their town.

In addition to having access to dental care whenever you need it, teledentistry mat also save you a trip to the emergency room. The Wisconsin Hospital Association estimates that more 2,000 children visited emergencies rooms across the state for dental emergencies. Most of these emergencies were non-traumatic and would be better served in a dental office setting “due to the availability of definitive care and the likelihood of continuity of care.” Teledentistry gives you the ability to consult with an oral health professional before potentially spending hundreds of dollars at the hospital.

What to expect during a teledentistry visit

During a teledentistry visit you’re in a different location than your dentist. Your dentist may have you provide images and/or videos, or use a device that can live-stream to exam the condition of your mouth and teeth. This type of visit is often used for dental emergencies.

For non-emergencies, your provider may ask for certain documents such as “periapical radiographs, photographs, charting of dental conditions, health history, consent, and applicable progress notes” that can be used for diagnosis and treatment plans on a later date.

For more information about what to expect during a virtual care visit, check out the ADA Guide to Understanding and Documenting Teledentistry Events.

Delta Dental of Wisconsin is here for your oral health needs

No matter what the reason is, Delta Dental of Wisconsin members can rest assured that quality dental care is only a phone call away. For more information about teledentistry check out the Delta Dental of Wisconsin virtual visits webpage.

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