Purchasing dental insurance can be daunting. It may not be easy to determine which plan and coverage options best meet your needs. Two plans that seem exactly alike could be very different, especially if the plans are offered by competing carriers. Here are four areas you’ll want to review when evaluating dental plan options.
Network Dentists
Dentists who participate in networks agree to accept fees substantially lower than retail. Also, the larger the network, the more likely your dentist participates. With 145,000 dentists in its combined PPO and Premier networks, Delta Dental has the nation’s largest network. To find a network dentist nearby, click here.
Cost Management
Insurance premiums are only one measure of a dental plan’s true cost. You’ll also want to compare each plan’s annual maximum, deductibles, and covered services. Look for a plan that encourages preventive care. Individuals who manage their oral health by seeking preventive care tend to have lower long-term dental costs, as they typically catch issues before they become too serious or expensive.
Customers want to know they’ll be taken care of after signing on with a certain plan. To feel confident that you’ll receive the service you expect, look for service statistics, such as how quickly phones are answered, claims are paid, and problems are resolved. Delta Dental of Wisconsin prides itself on how fast we answer phones and how we handle your questions and requests.
Dental Expertise
Medical and dental coverage are very different. While medical coverage focuses more on treatment, dental coverage concentrates on prevention. Furthermore, building and maintaining an effective dentist network is much different than building a network of medical providers. Look for coverage from a dental expert – one with a commitment to your oral health.
Delta Dental of Wisconsin has worked hard to improve oral health by emphasizing preventive care and making dental coverage accessible to employers and individuals. Delta Dental of Wisconsin offers dental coverage plans that are based on current research and designed to keep people their healthiest and most productive.