Why We Dig Gardening

We know gardening is great for your mind, body and soul, but did you know it can enhance your smile as well? Here are just a few ways gardening can benefit you:

• Your very own Farmer’s Market

With fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables at your fingertips, it’s easy to make meals more flavorful and colorful. You choose when to harvest, so vegetables often contain more nutrients than those that come from a grocery store.

Here is an interesting fact…did you know that crunchy fruits and veggies stimulate saliva flow, washing away bacteria in your mouth? Regardless of whether you enjoy raw or steamed veggies, your body and smile will thank you for fresh produce.

• Daily Dose of Vitamins

The vitamin D your body makes from being exposed to sunlight can help create a brighter smile too! Vitamin D is a hormone that helps absorb calcium and phosphorus—two minerals crucial for healthy teeth and bones. But, according to the USDA, we’re not getting enough of it. Vitamin D is one of the top under consumed nutrients, so soak up the sun while gardening to help with your vitamin D intake. Just remember to wear sunscreen.

• A Free Gym Membership

If planting flowers sounds easier than a squat press, you’re in luck! Gardening is classified as a moderate to intense physical activity. People who choose gardening are more likely to exercise 50 minutes longer than those who choose to walk or bike. Shaping up in the soil can produce more than fragrant flowers. According to a recent study, adults who exercise regularly are more likely to have healthier gums.

• Stress Relief

Stress can take a toll on your overall wellbeing. Thankfully, gardening has been found to reduce levels of stress. Take some time to stop and smell the roses. Your teeth may thank you.

Here are some tips to get you started.

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